Monday, October 24, 2016

Right Question

As a teenager I thought that when people start calling you an adult it means you have everything figured out.

Now coming from someone that just discovered her first white hair. We never have it all figured out.

When things seem to make sense its like life likes to chuckle at us . Because before we know it we are going for a trip to what I like to call the land of YES ! NO... AND MAYBE?

For a while I thought life was about balancing things properly. That matters yes, but I think it is possible to go deeper then that .


Okay so maybe I do not have the perfect answers to those questions. Perhaps life isn't about knowing all the answers but rather asking the right question's to yourself and to others.


Wednesday, April 15, 2015

The Staircase prt 1

Sun Blazing in my eyes ,
Hair dancing in the wind...

Sitting on this old wooden staircase.
My dreams used to be layed out on a clothes line for all to see. 
Now they are tucked away in my pockets.
My Hands tremble as I reach inside, as I touch the worn out paper and stare at my very big writting
something starts to happen.

The staircase begins to move and become longer and longer, until I cant even see where it ends anymore.A strand of Golden string appears at the bottom of my feet, I grab ahold of it and begin this new journey.Unsure of where it is leading me I find reassurance in the soft golden string that lies limp in the center of my palm.

* Part 2 Coming Soon!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

A Bonfire on the Shore

"I want to be outside with the misfits, with the rebels, the dreamers, second chance givers, the radical grace lavishers, the ones with arms wide open, the courageously vulnerable."

"So may there be grace and kindness, gentleness and love in our hearts, especially for the ones who we believe are profoundly wrong. The Good News is proclaimed when we love each other. "

"Maybe it's not as sexy to tell the good, hopeful stories, all of the ways the Bride grows more beautiful to our eyes as she ages.It's not as fun as challenging the status quo or thundering down judgements on everyone else's way. The revolution of love takes many different forms, most of them good and courageous for their very differences."

Here are some of my favorite quote's from Sarah Bessey's book Jesus Feminist and im not even done the first chapter. In many ways it has made me think very deeply about certain things I have believed for many years . It is begining to restruct , reformulate my thought's.

Lord Help me see thing's through your eye's break off any mindset that isnt of you.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Run Wild. Live Free. Love Strong.

When shadow's take over something needs to be done. 
You begin to form a wall , a safe place where your enemies can't get in.
Old letter's and books fill the floor, you desperately search for answers within the pages. 

A light begins to dance in your eye's again!
You feel the ground begin to shake , little green leaves start to come up among the books,
until they have grown into large tree's their branches touching the ceilling.
The tree's block out the light from the window's yet fireflies begin to appear and swirl around you.
The fireflies form  a question mark.....
You close your eyes, everything is silent , all shadows fade , all the wall's collapse .

It's Time...To Run Wild. Live Free. & Love Strong

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

A Sky Full of Stars!

Lying in a field,
Imagining myself dancing between the stars.
Holding on to memories, pushing open windows to feel the breeze.
Things have become motionless, extremely still where once there was so much movement.

I toss a rock into the water hoping to create a splash! Constantly sitting by the waterside hoping something will change... 

Then you come walking towards me ...your eyes they see right through me, you see all the words that have glued themselves to my skin. YOU BREATH LIFE OVER ME AGAIN! I stand up and all the words fall off. 

You hold my hand & point up at the sky
we begin to float high above the ground 
My eye's light up, we are dancing between the stars.

When life is motionless ...get up and dance between the stars.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Song on Repeat !

Freshly painted lines on the road
Empty trees
Open fields
Their fingers intertwined

Hidden doorways....
Dimly lit lamp post 

Question's arise
Key's emerge
Why do so many wander aimlessly ? 
With a pile of key's in their hand's

Are they waiting for some grand gesture before they move on.
Are they hoping for the song to change , the song that has been playing on repeat for years.

What you need is right at your finger tips.
Let Go .. and Hold on to What is Pure , Right & True 

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Getting rid of the clutter...

Opening the closet trying to find an empty hanger to hang my shirt on.Pushing down my clothes in my drawer so that I can shut my drawer.

We try so hard to fit as much as we can into our lives. 

The question is where is the line ? When do we know we have gone to far?

Is it when we can still shut the drawer, but we have to push some of the clothes down to be able to shut it?

Is it when our clothes start getting caught in the drawer because it is to full?

Or is it when we can't find an empty hanger in our closet anymore?

Life  is meant to be enjoyed, lived to the fullest. Yet we cram our drawers full of things... 

Some good ..some bad things. It's time to get rid of the clutter  ! Take it all out of that drawer lay it on the floor,

so you can see all you have. Throw away what does not fit anymore ... & pack up stuff that is best used in another season.      Time to make some breathing room.